Flourish For Christ

Guard Your Heart For It Determines The Course Of Your Life

Episode Notes



The World says, to "Follow Your Heart" . We have all been there done  that,  where we have come to follow our heart only to end up align with situations , people, places, and circumstances God never meant for us to be align with in the first place. To acknowledge our very thoughts , feelings , and emotions is healthy of course, but to base our very decisions & behaviors from that place is a great way for the enemy himself to use it to fully sabotage what God wants to do within our very lives. 

Take Away:


-To acknowledge our feelings , thoughts, and emotions is healthy , but to surrender them at the feet of Jesus it  is wise .

-Proverbs 4:23 “Guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life”

-The world says -> “Follow Your Heart” 

- God says -> “Guard Our Heart” 

-When we do the opposite we find ourselves aligned to the wrong people & circumstances.

- To seek the lord is a way to guard our heart and to grow in wisdom. 

-The enemy (devil) would love to see us follow our heart , feelings , thoughts , and emotions to fully sabotage what God wants to do over our life. 

-To take action by guarding our heart is to be able to have further clarity in the direction God is leading us too. 

-To let our guard down is to lay down our very wisdom & discernment . (Giving an opportunity for the enemy   to prowl on us) (John 10:10).

- Keep in mind that we are more than conquerors.

-The enemy (devil) can’t come to steal , kill , and destroy God's purpose over your life unless you let your guard down. 

- Reflective Question:  “Why, would it be wise to guard our heart?”

- When we derive our decisions out of our emotions , feelings, and thoughts we align ourselves out of God's will and come into alignment with what the enemy's schemes. 

- God knows our story, don't let your past  mistakes keep you in the same place . Let him renew you. 

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@FlourishForChrist (Instagram) 


Never forget that you matter and that Jesus Loves you!